Power Monday Poem


Back in 2020, at the height of COVID-19 pandemic, Live Your Dream noticed the sweeping desperation that gripped the world. Hope was dwindled in many families and for many people. It was looking like tomorrow will never come. This was no good news. LYD thought of a program that would provide encouragement and a positive outlook for life; implanting the hope of a better tomorrow.
Combined with this, it was important that this program be run on a Monday morning to give people the impetus to wake up early, get energized and have a productive week. This was the origin of Power Monday. The idea was muted by Otieno Paul Peter and Noel Khasandi when the former visited the latter at her work station to discuss a leadership book, The Making of a Symphony Orchestra; Timeless Leadership by Otieno Paul Peter. It is true that when great minds meet, great ideas pop up!


Every Monday from 7:15 am to 8:15 am Nairobi time we hold a free personal development session where we read a book and/or discuss a topic in leadership and other subjects of interest to leaders, professionals and business people. These are sessions that have helped to nurture many leaders and change lives. They are held on the Zoom virtual platform and are open for everyone who can rise early on Monday to be both sharpened and inspired for a better week and life. Join us, taste and judge for yourself. Zoom Link HERE

Join Power Monday WhatsApp Group

Join us in our Next Meet & Greet
Network and build your career/business, meet new friends, and have some fun. Through Power Monday, we also tend to promote those within our networks. We have built a dependable community of professionals and entrepreneurs. We have at least 3 physical meetings, christened Meet & Greet, where we come together to interact, network, and build friendships.  You can also come in to sponsor this event and have your brand recognition accordingly. You can reach out through Email
You Can Sponsor a Session
Sponsor a Power Monday session and active visibility at only Kes. 5000.00 or take 4 sessions (one month) at Kes. 16000.00. An average of 70 participants every Monday. You can reach out through Email

Sample Power Monday Sessions

Previous Power Monday sessions that you may want to sample are given below. All the rest are in the YouTube and we request if you can subscribe. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/@PowerMonday
My Leadership Nuggets: Joseph M. Choge
Leadership Nuggets by Mr. Joseph M. Choge, Group MD, Unga Group Limited, during one of the Power Monday session. Full video is on the link https://youtu.be/cnikIpZpQII
Intentionality in Leadership: Boniface Nyoike Ng'ang'a
Bonifice sharing what would very well be summarized as the magna carta of leadership during a Power Monday session.

Power Monday Board

Standing from left; Noel Khasandi (the official moderator), Otieno Paul Peter (the host and board chair), Odhiambo Orlale (the board secretary) and Anthonia Mutunga (the board treasurer). Sitting down is Dr. Melvin D'Lima to is the board advisor.

Market Days

Besides continuously interacting on personal development matters and sharing relevant opportunities through the week, we dedicate every Wednesday to be a market day when members can share about their businesses or profession and do their asks. Whether you're looking for a partnership, a customer or a job opportunity. Besides this, we also set aside every first Wednesday of the month, from 7:15pm to 8:15am EAT (Nairobi Time) to be a live market day when members log into the Zoom video meeting platform and do an audio vision presentation about their businesses. We endeavour to grow each other and live as a community of dependable professionals.
Through such initiatives, members have been able to grow themselves and grow their businesses.
Upcoming #PowerMonday Dinner

Our Mission and Purpose

At Power Monday, our mission is to provide a platform for sharing knowledge and inspiration for a productive week and successful living. We envision a society of dependable and timeless leaders. Our values here include:
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Integrity in service
  • Networking
  • Business
  • Career support
We discuss a variety of topics cutting across leadership, business, family, career growth, and life skills among others. We avoid contentious faith-based topics like religious and political inclinations. Furthermore, we remain objective, professional, and respectful. We do invite various sector experts to share their knowledge during the sessions. Through these, the speakers also get to market themselves and their products. Many people have been able to achieve great business/career growth after doing presentations on Power Monday. We also organize Meet & Greet sessions for the members, so they may interact more, create solid networks, and build businesses. Meet & Greet events occur on the last Saturdays of March, July, and November unless advised otherwise.

Besides all these, every 1st Wednesday of the month, Power Monday holds a virtual market day; where members join and share what they do or market what they sell and/or ask for whatever opportunities they are looking for. Money exchanges hands.
